Tuesday, April 30, 2013

UFC Ministry

So this is the second time doing this since I've been here, but connecting with guys at the local sports bar-over some nachos and loud background music-has been a huge blessing. Even having conversations with guys that I meet around town, just the fact that I am able to be conversant with them and connect with them on a level that compels them to lower their guard and creates a conversation where we could connect, has been a great joy.
So this past Saturday was UFC 159, and after the main event--I was hoping that Jon "Bones" Jones would win--my friend Arnold and my other friend Beau had the most amazing conversation about Heaven, the Trinity, and Jesus. I thought to myself, "I'm in a sports bar in Vancouver BC talking to my neighbor about Jesus...this is amazing...this is why I came...this is what I live for."
It was also a wonderful opportunity for me to connect with a good friend I've made since being here...that would be Phil. He is the guy who's son is as old as Solas...we actually get together at least a few times a week. I praise The Lord for these men that he has put in my path...and the friendships that have been formed.

I can still hear my heart beating....

I just had the strangest conversation. 
At one point I thought, "okay trace, how would Cecil respond right now?" 
I am at the coffee shop, a business man walked by, said, "thanks for smiling,"  and then did a little small talk about me being on facebook, and then put his mug down at my table and sat down.  It was just a chit-chatty sort of conversation until he started telling me about his "energy" business.  Then we talked about missions and our family being here in Vancouver, and how we receive money.  I wasn't so naive to believe he actually cared, but was rather hoping to get to sell me something.  hahaha  So thank the Lord that I wasn't as naive as I have been in the past.  Pretty soon, he said, something like... "oh my god!  I know how your church can make money!  Go to my website right now!  Its WWW....." 
I opened my laptop....
stopped and respectfully said something like, "you know, sir......  we can chat if you'd like, but I really need to focus on other projects I'm working on, on the computer, rather than talk about this investment."  (Even that sounds a little more harsh than how I really said it.  I was gentle.)
So we spent the next few minutes, that seemed like an eternity.... chatting about missions etc.  And I asked him, "What do you think about Jesus?"  And pointed to my bible on the table. 
He said something that I recognized was very rehearsed.  He said, "Oh Jesus is fantastic.  He is my Lord and Savior." 
And I wasn't convinced.  I said, "what makes you think that?  Do you have any verses to support that idea?" And again I pointed to the Bible. 
He said, "oh I don't do that.  I don't need to read or have evidence.  I meditate.  Jesus is fantastic.  Allah...... meditation... all of them." 
So I asked him something that I wouldn't have asked had I not spent at least 7+ hours studing Hinduism this month.  I asked,
"Are you Hindu"?
And he said, "oh yes."  Very enthusiastically.  And then he proceeded to tell me that he follows all the ways.  And then asked me about myself.  And I courageously told him I follow only Jesus. 

He asked me what my most miraculous experience as been with Jesus. 

I thought for a moment.  And I said the most miraculous thing that I experience daily with Jesus is that because the Word of God is "alive and powerful, sharper than any double edge sword, able to discern the thoughts and intents of my heart"... when I read it, it convicts my heart.  God uses it to illuminates the my sin, and then His Holy Spirit convicts me of where I need to repent.  Then the transformation happens through His power, not because of any effort of my own. He transforms me into the image of his son, Jesus. 

He told me that he has meditated to the point of entering "oneness" with the Universe.  And then he leaned across the table and stared intensely.  I asked him what he thinks about when he meditates, because I was reminded of the verse, "...and on your WORD I will meditate both day and night" and he said, "oh god, I don't think of anything!  You can't meditate by thinking of something!" 

Anyway...... that was pretty much it.  He ended up shaking my hand, moving to another table, and talking to another woman about politics. 

My heart was racing. 

I was thankful for 3 things and was exhorted in my Spirit toward something...

I was thankful that I knew a little about Hinduism to engage him using his-own worldview terminology.
I was thankful that I wasn't deceived by his "employment" scheme or zealous "following all ways is fantastic" perception. 
I was thankful I wasn't intimidated by his intense stares.
I was exhorted by the Holy Spirit 1 Peter 3:15- "be ready to always give a reason for the hope..."
I need to be EVEN MORE prepared for conversations like that. 
That man pursued a conversation with me.  For his own gain.
And although at times, I was uncomfortable, I feel like the Holy Spirit was victorious to use me in whatever way he wanted.  I didn't cower.  I engaged the conversation about Jesus..... unashamed.  And respectfully. 

So since I wrote that last sentence.... another woman sat down behind me and talked to me about California and a "Secret society" event she wants me to go to soon. Evidently, she can't tell me the name of the place, or the address, but I have to go with her, I can't go by myself.  I have to go with someone who is already in.

What the heck.... I feel exhausted. 

Another woman just walked past, pointed at my bible, and said, "excellent book".  I agreed. 

I have 1 more hour here... to "finish" my administrative work. hahahaaa I wonder who else has an appointment with me in this hour. 
What a strange day.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

From meals to community

I, Cecil, have been amazed at my wife's ability to connect with women in our neighborhood and especially to our neighbor next door. The woman next door is named Anita and she does not have any grandchildren, her son is Beau and he's about 26 years old. Tracy made the first move with baking some cookies and walking them over.  Then for St. Patrick's Day Anita brought over some home baked cupcakes.  We then invited her family over for lunch a few weeks later, then she brought over Easter Baskets for the boys.  Recently Tracy made some sticky Rice and gave it to Anita--the coolest part was that Anita came outside in the backyard and our kitchen window is so close to her house all Tracy needs to do is open it up and she's only about 10 meters from Anita's back porch.  I am so blessed for my wife's ministry of building relationships with the women and mothers around us.  We went out to run a few errands and Tracy knew two woman walking around our busy street, we actually had a short conversation with them as we were in the car. And when we were in the mall Tracy saw a woman who lives down the block, she was actually one of the first moms Tracy met.  I guess you can say that we are in the transition from "survival mode" to creating a sense of home and peace wherein we can invite people into our lives, as they invite us into there's...and perhaps as we live with a missional mindset and incarnationally, we would have an opportunity to invite our friends into a vibrant relationship with Jesus.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sushi and Eternity

So some of you might remember some stories about my friend Jack who I     met at the bank as Tracy and I were    opening up an account; well, we've      kept in touch and I was able to meet  with him and a Pastor named David   Chow from Killarney Park MB here in Vancouver. Pastor David is very familiar with those who have moved from China to Vancouver, and he understands the world of Buddhism as well. As I introduced these men to each other I was incredibly blessed on how Pastor David was able to connect with Jack on a deep level and how he was able to communicate the Gospel--from creation to Jesus. It was a phenomenal thing to see...I was honored to have a front row seat. At the end of the lunch Jack had to head back across the street to go to work, but he was very honored to have had such a deep conversation...but he was t the only one who was honored.

The Lawn Mowing Ministry

So several months ago when Tracy and I first moved into this neighborhood we introduced ourselves to the neighbor who lived right next to us, and we asked her if She would mind if I mowed her lawn as I was mowing mine. She agreed so I would mow her lawn with the push lawn mower. After that she began to send baked goods to our house, and I was able to meet her 26 year old son--his name is Beau--who often works out of town.  One day he brought over some baked goods that his mother made and I asked if he would  be willing to meet up at a coffee shop.  I was able to share my life and testimony and he shared much of his life as well.  After several weeks of connecting I was outside. as we were both doing both of our lawns, and I asked him, "what do you think about God, the Bible, religion and Jesus...if you don't mind me asking?" As he smiled and said he didn't mind I laughed and said, "you know what Im all about..."Im sure you saw this one coming, you'd figure I'd ask you about the whole "God" thing right, this shouldn't be a surprise. " for the next 30 minutes we had the most amazing conversation. I was able to share about why Jesus came to earth, about how all human beings are made to worship, and how no matter how hard we try we could never be right with God or be "good enough."  Our conversation ended prematurely, but he said he wanted to meet again and that he had a whole lot more questions for me.  After that talk I realize I need to start mowing a lot more people's yards so I could build those connections.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Baking Bread--So a few nights ago Tracy and I invited friends to come over. We ordered some delicious vegetarian pizza and baked some bread from scratch--and when I saw we I really meant Tracy and our friend Michelle, while Arnold--Michelle's husband--and I were hanging out in the living room watching the kids and discussing theology. After the bread was out of the oven Tracy and I took the bread to our neighbors. We really wanted to build community and get to know those who live around us. A few houses didn't answer but we ended up passing out our three loaves of bread--we live in an area where most of our neighbors are from India so Tracy made the bread vegan. The last house we arrived in actually invited Tracy and I in. It was such an incredible experience to be in another family's house whom we just barely met. The family was Sikh and we had the opportunity to hear about their lives and we shared what were would be doing in Thailand, and share that we would be telling people about Jesus. I felt so honored that this family were so courteous to Tracy and I. I pray that we would be able to connect with them more in the future.  I hope that as they enjoyed the bread my wife my for them, they may come to know the one who is the Bread of Life, the one who truly sustains us, and the King of Kings and Lord of lords.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Hearing from God..... next to buddha

My new favorite place to go to is "Roots Cafe".....  down the street. 
 But I know we're not in Kansas anymore when my place of solitude and where I'll hear from God..... is right next to this enormous statue of buddha. 
 It used to freak me out.  But now.......  Its just sad.  Sad for the reality it represents.  Sad for the people who offer their sacrifices to statues just like it. 
 I just opened the WORD and it says, "I AM the LORD; that IS my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." (Isaiah 42:8)
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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Debt Free

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So about a year ago I, Cecil, was under the impression that my student loans were completely forgiven, I was wrong.  We still had student loan debt, and I didn't have the heart to tell Tracy that I obtain some faulty information. After several months I broke the news to her. She was extremely gracious and told me that she was with me and that she wasn't disheartened in the least.   For the past several months I have been wondering how we would pay the rest of our student loan off; and just this past week I received an email that said that because I have worked in Special education for 5 years the rest of the student loan has been forgiven! Thank you Jesus. So Tracy and I are--for the first time in our marriage-- completely debt free!  So grateful to The Lord.
