It certainly never was mine to begin with. In college, I still remember the day, I was about 21 years old and I was sitting in the library of Bakersfield College and I came across the verse in James chapter one, "every good and perfect gift comes from above, and comes down from The Father of lights." I remember as a young man thinking that the scripture was exactly right and true. Everything I had, everything, comes from above. It was never mine to keep, but mine to give, to stewart and to be generous with. Jesus Christ himself says, "it is better to give than to receive," and the Aposlte Paul quotes him in the book of Acts when he says, "remember the words of our Lord, 'it is better to give than to receive.'"
I have many regrets on how I have used the time, talent, finances, resources, gifts and abilities that The Lord has given me, many regrets on how I have used the Lord's money. But I don't regret one penny that I have used to bless another and advance the Kingdom of God! I have recently been listening to a Pastor who is going through the book of Malachi and I just listened to the sermon of "Robbing God" from Malachi 3. As this new year has arrived I have been convicted of, and excited about, this new year regarding our finances. I am excited about increasing our giving yet again. Jesus says, "where your treasure is there your heart is also." It is pretty evident to see where the heart is of many people who consider themselves, or "call" themselves Christians for that matter, when all their money is spent on themselves. Recent studies show that about half of people who consider themselves Chrisitans give nothing, another fourth give close to nothing, and the last 25% give regularly. About 5% of Christians constitute about 80% of most local church Budgets and those least likely to give are the younger generation. Oddly enough those who give more proportionately are not the rich but are those who have little. This certainly is a "hot topic" for many people money, greed, convenience, entertainment, comfort, security, and consumerism are the idols and gods of the North American Church. So many that read this, or hear sermons preached on it would be quick to become very defensive. We usually don't like anyone telling us to repent of our sin and relinquish our "gods." Many of us are so much more concerned about building up our own kingdom than advancing Jesus' Kingdom. This topic has been very convicting to me as well. Moving overseas doesn't automatically make one generous. My heart has been pierced and when I look at my finances I want them to reveal where my heart is, and I truly want to honor and glorify Jesus by my spending and giving. I resolve publically to give more away than I have the year before. As this picture demonstrates, Tracy and I desire that we would hold everything loosely and with opened hands, so that The Lord can put in and take away as he sees fit. I invite and challenge you, if you love and serve Jesus, to go on this journey together with us. Let us allow The Lord to advance the Kingdom of God through our lives and our was never ours to begin with...and we will not take it with us when we die.