Saturday, November 23, 2013

Spontaneity Pays Off

So there is a young man who lives across the way from me named Eric and right before I was headed to the Bridge on Tuesday evening to speak at one of the bible studies of M42 the Lord told me to see if Eric would want to come with me.  A few hours before that I was talking to Eric--who is 21--and he was telling me how he just feels lost, and doesn't know where to turn or what to do.  He currently doesn't have a job and he just doesn't know the next steps in life.  When I went over and asked if he wanted to jump in the car with me and go, he said, "sure why not."  Next thing you know I was in front  of the group sharing how the Lord Jesus has rescued and saved me, and how He placed Eric in my life.  I didn't ask Eric for his permission but felt inclined to share a little about his story and where he was.  It was amazing!  At the end of that night, around 3-4 guys reached out to him, he walked out of there with a job, and a few guys who would walk with him and get to know him.  He looked at me after it was all said and done and said, "Dude that was crazy!"  He laughed and said he didn't expect to meet such great people and walk out of there with a job.  The next morning he was ready at 5:45 a.m. and he jumped in my car and we went to Starbucks in the Market Place to have Bible study with his new boss and a few of the guys.  Afterward Eric jumped in their truck and went to work.  He just completed his 3rd day and he loves it.  He is surrounded by men who love Jesus and men who want to see him succeed.  So grateful to see Jesus move in my neighbourhood.


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