Saturday, March 9, 2013


So this morning I was planning on getting up, making the kids breakfast, cutting Solas' hair real quick, then Tracy and I heading to the gym...
things didn't work out exactly the way I anticipated. So as I was cutting Solas' hair our clippers broke...and he had some patches of hair missing on the front of his head...don't tell him I said this but it kind looked like we decided to walk down the street to the local barber shop. Feeling embarrassed and frustrated at myself, Solas and I make our way in and take our seat. Before too long a young guy comes in and takes a seat next to me, I start having a conversation with him--we'll call him Jeremy--and turns out we have a few things in common...UFC to be exact. After talking about a number of things we engage the guy next to him...who happens to be a huge UFC fan and is a black belt in Karate as well. After some good talks I end up getting Jeremy's contact info and the other young man. It was such a huge I was walking home with Solas I felt so privileged to meet these guys...Jesus has a heart for these men and so should I. ~Cec

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cecil, what's UFC? United Federation of Cecils.........University of Financial Counselling........Under Forty Clan......Up From California.......Umbrellas For Cecils........???????????
